Complacencies of the peignoir
Petrica Howell
Ignacio Norton
Bosse Espinoza
This is a blog that lists spam names -- names given as the 'senders' of spam. I've been collecting these for a few months. Some of these names should be put to good use. If you're a writer, please feel free to use any of these. Just let me know if you have, and I'll indicate so in the list. If you have names to add to the list, please send them in. Thanks go out, so far, to Jennifer Mandel, Jeremy Zitter, Michael Holley, and Ben Strong for their contributions.
Kirsten Walter
Nola Larsen
Jody Gonzales
Monroe Stephenson
Mclaughlin Megan
Panayiotis Winnie
Gracie Duckworth
Christopher Carpenter
Grover Colbert
Fidel Luna
Tasha Seale
Lane Greene
Bilbo Bumbrey
Lamont Sellers
Leggier I. Excludes